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Children's Dictionary
accessory an item added on to something else to make it prettier, more complete, or more useful. [1/2 definitions]
ballast heavy material placed in a boat or ship to make it more stable. [2 definitions]
bundle a package wrapped to make it easier to carry. [1/3 definitions]
cartridge a small case that holds some material or a piece of equipment. A cartridge is put into a larger device to help make it work. [1/3 definitions]
cassette a case with film, audio tape, or video tape inside. Cassettes make it easy to load a camera or recorder.
cast iron a mixture of iron and carbon, with other materials added to make it either hard and brittle or soft and strong.
clad2 to join a metal to another metal in order to make it stronger or protect it.
drain to remove water or other liquid from (a container or area) to make it empty or dry. [1/9 definitions]
fertilizer a natural or chemical substance added to soil to make it better for growing plants.
gold a soft, heavy, yellow metal that is one of the chemical elements. It is often combined with other metals to make it harder and stronger. Gold is very valuable. (symbol: Au) [1/7 definitions]
greet to make itself seen or heard by. [1/3 definitions]
gut (usually plural) the inner parts of something that make it work. [1/5 definitions]
jettison to throw from a ship or airplane to make it lighter or more stable. [1/2 definitions]
lacquer a liquid used on wood or metal to protect and make it shiny. [1/2 definitions]
makeup lipstick, powder, and other cosmetics put on the face to change the way it looks or to make it look better. [1/3 definitions]
megaphone a device shaped like a cone that is held by a person and used to direct the sound of a voice and make it louder.
outrigger a frame attached to one side of a boat to make it more stable.
ring2 to cause (a bell) to make its sound. [1/11 definitions]
roller a wheel attached to the bottom of a heavy object to make it easier to move. [1/4 definitions]
seasoning something that is added to food to make it taste better. Salt, herbs, and spices are seasonings.
toolbox a container for hand tools. A toolbox often has a handle for carrying and several compartments to make it easy to find small tools.