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abstract When a painting or sculpture is abstract, you can't tell what it is. It has shapes and maybe color, but it's not a clear picture of anything. The artist may be trying to suggest a feeling or idea or maybe even people and things, but the artist is not trying to show those people and things as they are in reality. [1/3 definitions]
adore If you adore someone, you love them intensely. When you adore someone, you may see them as perfect, and you may not see their faults. [1/3 definitions]
ally An ally is someone who will help you achieve some goal, usually because they agree with this goal and they want to help you reach it. They want the same thing as you do. They are on the same side as you. An ally is sometimes a friend, but an ally may just be someone who will cooperate with you in trying to do something.
Amazon River The Amazon River is one of the great rivers of the world. It is the longest river in South America, and some say it may be longer than the Nile River in Africa. The Amazon River flows down from the mountains in Peru, then across Brazil, and into the Atlantic Ocean.
amen a word used at the end of a prayer or statement to mean "may it be so."
anemia a medical condition caused by having too few red blood cells or red blood cells that are not working properly. People with anemia may be pale, feel weak, and have difficulty breathing.
annex a building added to an existing building. An annex may be attached to or separate from the main building. [1/3 definitions]
apprehension fear about what may happen. [1/3 definitions]
astrology the study of the influence that the stars and planets may have on people's lives.
at ease a standing position in the military. When at ease, soldiers may relax but must stay in place and cannot talk.
atom Atoms are very tiny things in the universe. We cannot see them with our eyes, but they make up everything around us and in space. Chemical elements, which are the building blocks of all substances, are made up of atoms. Some chemical elements that you may know are gold, copper, helium, oxygen, mercury, and lead. Each of these elements is made up of a different kind of atom.
authority When people talk about "the authorities," they mean agencies who have certain powers and responsibilities by law, especially agencies like the police and other government departments. "The authorities" are people who are in charge and who are expected to solve problems that may affect many people. [1/4 definitions]
autism Autism is a certain problem with the mind. Autism develops in some children, and in these children it begins to show when they are very young. Autism continues in people even when they become adults, though. When a child has autism, they have problems with language and problems interacting with other people. Some children may seem as if they are not interested in other people at all. Some children with autism have difficulty learning language, and those who learn language well may have difficulty knowing how to use language with other people. They may talk about the same thing all the time, for example.
bathroom A bathroom may also be a room with just a bathtub. It might have a toilet and sink or not. [1/2 definitions]
bear2 a large furry mammal with a short tail. Bears are omnivorous; they may eat plants, honey, insects, fish, and small mammals. There are several kinds of bears, including black bears, brown bears, grizzly bears, and polar bears.
blackout the loss or hiding of all the lights of a city or region. Cities may have blackouts because of power failures. [1/2 definitions]
blouse a piece of clothing worn on the upper body, usually by women and girls. A blouse is similar to a shirt, but it may have more detailed sewing or more decoration, or it may be made of a fancier fabric such as satin or silk. A blouse is worn with either a skirt or pants.
bridesmaid A bridesmaid is a woman who helps out the bride before her wedding ceremony and typically follows the bride as she walks down the wedding aisle. Bridesmaids are often friends of the bride. Some brides may choose not to have bridesmaids, but others choose to have several.
bronze Bronze is a color that looks like the metal bronze. It may be a reddish brown or a yellowish brown. [1/2 definitions]
castle one of two game pieces in chess that may be moved forward, backward, or sideways over any squares not blocked; rook. [1/2 definitions]
caterpillar the larva, or middle life stage, of a moth or butterfly. Caterpillars are round and long like worms, but have six legs. They may be brightly colored.