abroad |
If we talk about places abroad, we mean places that are not in our own country. If we talk about people abroad, we mean people who live in other countries or who are in other countries just now. [1/2 definitions] |
accidentally |
If you do something accidentally, you don't mean to do it. You don't plan it or wish for it to happen. It just happens. |
action |
The word "action" can mean a lot of things happening quickly or at the same time. [1/5 definitions] |
a few |
If you have a few friends, you don't have a lot of friends, but you have a small number of friends. If you have a few friends, you are probably pretty happy. If you have FEW friends, though, you might be sad. There is a big difference between "a few" and just "few." "A few" gives a positive feeling, and "few" gives a negative feeling, even though both of them mean "a small number." |
affront |
something that is said or done on purpose to be rude or mean. [2 definitions] |
again |
We sometimes use "again" when we mean that someone or something is back to the way they were before. [1/2 definitions] |
aged |
When we say people are aged, we mean they are very old. [1/2 definitions] |
aggressive |
mean and unfriendly in one's actions; ready to argue or start fights. [1/2 definitions] |
already |
"Already" means before now. If you say that you have already washed your hands, you mean that you washed them sometime before now. Sometimes "already" means before some other time. When you get to the bus stop and the bus has already left, it means that the bus left before you got there. [1/3 definitions] |
amen |
a word used at the end of a prayer or statement to mean "may it be so." |
among |
If we say that swimming is among the things we do in the summer, we mean that swimming is one of things we do in the summer. It is one part of it. [1/5 definitions] |
animal |
Often, when we say animals, we mean any other animals except for humans. [1/2 definitions] |
any |
If someone says that any child can learn, they mean that each and every child can learn. [2/5 definitions] |
apostrophe1 |
An apostrophe (') is a mark we often use along with a letter "s" to show that something belongs to a person or to a thing. When we talk about our FRIEND'S bike, we are talking about the bike that belongs to our friend. When we talk about the CITY'S streets, we mean the streets that belong to the city. [1/3 definitions] |
archaic |
If something is archaic, it is of a time or has to do with a time that was very long ago. When we talk about "archaic humans," we mean humans who lived in an earlier time period and were somewhat different from the humans of more recent times. |
arctic |
If we talk about arctic temperatures, we mean very cold temperatures similar to how cold it gets in the Arctic region of the earth. [1/3 definitions] |
artwork |
When people talk about "artwork," they mean things like drawings, paintings, illustrations, and sculptures. |
atmosphere |
When we talk about the atmosphere of a place, we mean the kind of feeling that the place seems to have. The colors, the noises, and the way people are talking and acting with each other are some of the things that create the atmosphere of a place. An airport has a very different atmosphere from a library, for example. A library usually has a quiet and calm atmosphere. The atmosphere at an airport is often busy and excited. [1/2 definitions] |
authority |
When people talk about "the authorities," they mean agencies who have certain powers and responsibilities by law, especially agencies like the police and other government departments. "The authorities" are people who are in charge and who are expected to solve problems that may affect many people. [1/4 definitions] |
average |
When you say something is average, you mean it is of the usual or most common kind. If you had an average day, it means that it was not very different from any other day. It was the usual, ordinary kind of day. [2/5 definitions] |
awoke |
"Awoke" is the past tense of the verb "awake." When we say someone awoke, we mean that they woke up. |