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Children's Dictionary
breast either of the two glands on the human chest, usually bigger on women than on men. Babies get milk from female breasts. [1/2 definitions]
brotherhood a group of men who share interests or work. [1/2 definitions]
gladiator a man in ancient Rome who fought other men or animals, often to the death, to entertain an audience.
gnome1 a creature in fairy tales that lives inside the earth and guards precious treasure. Gnomes are often portrayed as little old men with beards.
kilt a plaid wool skirt that has pleats. Kilts are worn by men in Scotland.
male of or having to do with men or boys. [1/2 definitions]
masculine having to do with men or boys; male. [2 definitions]
men's room a room in a public place where men and boys can use a sink and toilet.
monk a man who has joined other men in a religious community and taken vows to live a simple life.
necktie a strip of cloth worn around the neck, usually by men. A necktie is tucked under the collar of a shirt and knotted at the throat.
ruff a high, round, stiff collar worn by men and women in the 1500s and 1600s. [1/2 definitions]
seminary a school for training men and women for work as ministers, priests, or rabbis.
slacks casual pants for men or women.
tuxedo a complete suit of evening clothes for men that are worn on very formal occasions. A tuxedo consists, usually, of a black jacket, black trousers with a shiny, black side stripe, and a special white shirt. It is worn with a bow tie. Some tuxedo jackets have long "tails" at the back.