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admonish to find fault with or correct in a mild but firm way. [1/2 definitions]
bluefish a fish that lives in mild Atlantic waters of the North and South American coast. Bluefish are blue and are caught for sport or food.
chill a mild but uncomfortable coldness. [1/6 definitions]
delicate pleasing to the senses in a light, soft, or mild way. [1/5 definitions]
extreme When something is extreme, it is dangerous or risky. It is not gentle or mild. [1/6 definitions]
genial mild, pleasant, or comfortable. [1/2 definitions]
gentle kind; generous; mild. [3/4 definitions]
gently If you speak or do something gently, you do it in a soft or mild way. Usually, people do things gently so that they don't hurt someone or cause damage to something.
hey a word used to draw attention or to show surprise, mild delight, or anger.
hives (used with a singular or plural verb) a mild disease that causes small bumps on the skin that itch. Hives are often the result of an allergy.
honestly used to express surprise or mild shock. [1/2 definitions]
Lebanon Lebanon is a country on the continent of Asia. It is in an area of the world called the Middle East. Lebanon lies on the shore of a sea called the Mediterranean. Its neighbors are Israel and Syria. Most of Lebanon has a mild climate with warm summers and cool winters. Lebanon has flat lands along the coast of the sea but also mountains in the east. Some parts of Lebanon have forest, and Lebanon is famous for a certain type of tree called a cedar. You can see this tree on the flag of Lebanon.
Libya Libya is a country in Africa. It is in an area of the world called the Middle East. Libya lies on the shore of the Mediterranean Sea between the countries of Egypt and Tunisia. Most of Libya is desert. It is part of the Sahara Desert, the largest desert in the world. The part of Libya along the sea has a more mild climate and has large cities and some land for raising animals and farming. Some popular foods in Libya are olives, dates, and grains.
meek patient and mild; not easily angered or upset, even when treated unfairly. [1/2 definitions]
mercy If a judge treats a prisoner with mercy, the judge does not punish the prisoner as much as he or she could. If a student does something very wrong and the school principal shows mercy to them, the principal gives them only a mild punishment, or they stop the punishment they are already giving. Mercy is a type of kindness or a kind way of treating someone. [1/3 definitions]
mild When something is mild, it is not very strong or very bad. [2 definitions]
poppy a plant with brightly colored flowers that is grown in mild climates.
scale3 A scale is a series of steps or degrees from low to high. For example, when someone describes how strong an earthquake is, they often use a scale that uses numbers from 1 to 9. An earthquake measured as a 1 on this scale is a mild earthquake that doesn't cause much damage to an area. An earthquake measured as a 7 on this scale causes a lot of damage, and an earthquake measured as a 9 causes complete destruction. There are other scales for measuring earthquakes too. [1/4 definitions]
temperate having neither extremely hot nor extremely cold temperatures and mild weather.
tofu a food made from soybeans. Tofu has a mild taste and looks and feels like soft cheese.
touch a mild case. [1/11 definitions]