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Midwest the north central part of the United States from the Rocky Mountains through Ohio, Kansas, and Missouri; Middle West.
Mississippi River The Mississippi River is one of the great rivers of the world. It used to be called the longest river in America, but now scientists say that the Missouri River is the longest. The Mississippi River starts in the state of Minnesota and flows south to the Gulf of Mexico.
Missouri a river of the central United States. It flows from Montana southeast through several states to Missouri, where it joins the Mississippi River. [1/2 definitions]
Missouri River a major river that flows from the state of Montana mostly southeast until it joins the Mississippi River in Missouri. The Missouri River is considered the longest river in the United States. It is the main tributary of the Mississippi River.
MO abbreviation of "Missouri."
pony express a system of delivering the mail using riders on horseback. The pony express ran between St. Louis, Missouri and Sacramento, California during 1860 and 1861.