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blame to place responsibility on for a mistake or fault. [1/3 definitions]
blunder a silly or careless mistake. [2/3 definitions]
bug (informal) a mistake or fault that keeps something from working properly. [1/6 definitions]
clean done or made without difficulty or mistake. [1/6 definitions]
confuse When you confuse one thing with another thing, you make a mistake about which one is which. If two things are very similar, it's easy to confuse them and think that one of the things is the other thing. [1/2 definitions]
correct When you correct someone, you show them a mistake they made and tell them the right way. [1/4 definitions]
eraser If you write with a pencil and make a mistake, you can use an eraser to rub it away. A pencil eraser is made of soft rubber. An eraser is also what you can use to take away chalk on a blackboard.
error a mistake in thought or action; something that is wrong.
fault a mistake; error. [2/4 definitions]
hole a mistake or weak point; fault. [1/3 definitions]
make a difference If something makes a difference, it has some impact or effect. It has some importance for something. For example, making one mistake on a test can make a difference. Maybe it changes your grade from an A to a B. If you have a really good teacher, it can make a difference in how much you learn and also in how happy you are in your class. Having one friend can make a big difference in your life. Without a friend, you might be lonely and sad. If you have even one friend, you might feel completely fine.
misprint a mistake in printing.
mistake A mistake is something you think or do that is not correct. [3 definitions]
mistook past tense of "mistake."
on account of If a game is canceled on account of rain, it means that rain is the reason that the game is canceled. If you lost a game on account of one mistake, it means you lost the game because of this one mistake.
otherwise "Otherwise" means "in other ways." If you made one mistake, but otherwise your test was perfect, it means that in other ways your test was perfect. Except for that one mistake, it was perfect. [1/3 definitions]
pencil A pencil is a long, thin tool used for writing or drawing. Pencils are made of a narrow stick of wood with a dark gray or colored center. If you make a mistake when you write with a pencil, you can usually erase it. [1/2 definitions]
perfection the state or condition of being without a fault or mistake.
perfectly in a manner that is without a fault or mistake. [1/2 definitions]
pressure When you feel pressure in your mind, you feel as if something heavy is pressing down on you. Pressure sometimes makes a person feel that they must do something that they are not ready for or don't want to do, or it makes them feel that they must do something well and not make a mistake. [1/3 definitions]
recognize When you recognize something, you accept the truth of it. When you recognize a mistake you made, you understand and accept that you really made a mistake. You don't deny it. [1/4 definitions]