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Arab An Arab is a member of a group of people who came at one time from Arabia. Arabia is the whole peninsula that includes modern Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, and a few other countries. People living in that region now are called Arabs, but Arabs also live in other parts of the Middle East and in northern Africa. They speak a language called Arabic. Most Arabs are Muslims, but some are not.
Athens the capital city of Greece, in modern and ancient times.
contemporary of or belonging to the present time; current; modern. [1/3 definitions]
courtyard A courtyard is an open space surrounded by one large building. A courtyard might have trees, gardens, and benches, or it might be quite simple and plain. Modern buildings such as hospitals, hotels, and big apartment buildings sometimes have a courtyard, and large ancient buildings sometimes had a courtyard too.
Czech Republic The Czech Republic is a country in Europe. Some of its neighbors are Germany, Poland, and Slovakia. The Czech Republic has many low mountains and hills. Many tourists come to the Czech Republic to see its capital city, Prague. Prague is a modern city but has interesting old sights such as a beautiful stone bridge and a large castle.
dated not modern or in fashion. [1/2 definitions]
Eastern Orthodox Church the modern group of Christian churches, such as the Russian and Greek Orthodox, that originated in the eastern part of the Roman Empire.
gunpowder Gunpowder is a black powder that explodes when touched with fire. Gunpowder is used in firing guns, but modern guns use a substance that doesn't create smoke like this black powder does.
India India is a large country in Asia. Some of its neighbors are Pakistan, Nepal, and Bangladesh. Part of India is a large peninsula that sticks out into the Indian Ocean. India has very high mountains in the north, but it has jungles and deserts in the south. India is home to elephants, rhinoceroses, and tigers. In the farming areas of India, farmers grow a lot of rice for food and cotton to make cloth. India has many, many people and very large, modern cities. Movies are a big industry in India. India makes more movies per year than any other country.
Iraq Iraq is a country on the continent of Asia. It is in an area of the world called the Middle East. Some of Iraq's neighbors are Jordan and Iran. The Tigris and Euphrates Rivers flow through Iraq. The land between these rivers is famous in the history of the world. It is where some of the earliest human civilizations that we know about developed. Most people in modern Iraq speak Arabic. Another language that is spoken in Iraq is called Kurdish.
jazz Jazz is a form of modern music that started with African-American musicians in the late 1800s. The rhythms used in jazz are often complex. Also, in jazz, parts of the music are frequently invented by the musicians at the same time they are playing. There are many types of jazz, and jazz has had a large influence on many other types of music.
Latin Latin is a language that was spoken a long time ago in Italy and in the Roman Empire two thousand years ago. The Roman Empire was a large empire that had its first capital in Rome. The Latin language changed a lot over time and eventually developed into more modern languages like Italian, Spanish, and French. Latin stopped being spoken by people in their daily lives, but Latin continued to be used as a church language into modern times.
Luxembourg Luxembourg is a country in Europe. It is a small country between Germany, France, and Belgium. Luxembourg has hills and low mountains. There are also flat areas with forests and land for farms. Luxembourg has modern cities, and the country is important as a center for banks and for large companies to do business.
Malaysia Malaysia is a country in Asia. Malaysia is divided into two main parts. One part is on a long peninsula that it shares with Thailand. The other part is on a big island that it shares with Indonesia and Brunei. Malaysia has many forests. Many different kinds of animals live there, such as monkeys, snakes, lizards, and birds. Malaysia also has large, modern cities with tall buildings and many people.
mastodon a very large extinct mammal. Several kinds of mastodons lived in Africa, Europe, Asia, and North America tens of thousands of years ago. The last kind of mastodon became extinct at the end of the last Ice Age. Mammoths and modern elephants may have developed from earlier mastodons.
Maya a member of a modern Indian people who are descendants of this civilization. [1/2 definitions]
modern When something is modern, it has to do with the time we are in now or with very recent times. [2 definitions]
modernize to make modern; bring up to date. [2 definitions]
old-fashioned When something is old-fashioned, it looks like or seems like something from the past. If something is old-fashioned, it doesn't seem new and modern. [1/2 definitions]
out of date not modern or in fashion.
Palestine Palestine is a land in the Middle East. It is mostly controlled by the country of Israel. Most of the people who live in Palestine are Arabs. Palestine is also used as the name of the larger region that includes modern Israel and was the home of the ancient Jewish people many centuries ago. Arabs and Jews both live in this region now. Palestine is sometimes called the "Holy Land."