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about to When you are about to do something, you are ready to do it and almost starting to do it. If you are about to take a bite of a sandwich, you are holding up the sandwich and your mouth is open.
alimentary canal the tube in the body through which food travels as it is digested. The alimentary canal goes from the mouth to the anus, and includes the esophagus, the stomach, and the small and large intestines.
all at once If people are doing something all at once, they are doing it all at the same time. If people jump into a swimming pool all at once, they all jump in at the same time. If you put five sticks of gum in your mouth all at once, you put all of them in your mouth at the same time. You don't put them in one at a time. [1/2 definitions]
bark1 When a dog is excited and makes a sound with its mouth, we say the dog is barking. [1/3 definitions]
beak the hard, curved mouth parts of a bird; bill.
behave When someone or something behaves, it acts or does something in a certain way. When you talk about how birds behave, you are talking about the things that birds do and how they do it. It would be funny if your cat behaved like a dog. Then it might run and catch a ball in its mouth! [1/3 definitions]
belch to release gas from the stomach through the mouth in a noisy burst; burp. [1/3 definitions]
bill2 the hard outer part of a bird's mouth that sticks out from its face. A bill is made up of a lower part and an upper part; beak.
bit1 the metal part of a bridle that is placed in the mouth of a horse and used to control it. [1/2 definitions]
bite A bite of food is how much food you take into your mouth by biting into it. [1/4 definitions]
bitter Bitter describes a certain kind of taste in the mouth. It is like the taste of berries before they become sweet. A strong cup of tea or dark chocolate with no sugar can also have a bitter taste. [1/3 definitions]
blow2 to force air out of the mouth. [1/7 definitions]
bob2 to try to take hold of floating or hanging objects with the mouth as part of a game. [1/4 definitions]
break down If one things breaks down another thing, it breaks it into smaller and smaller bits. When you put food into your mouth, your saliva begins to break it down. Substances in your stomach break the food down even more. [1/2 definitions]
breath Breath is the air that goes into and out of your body through your nose or mouth. [1/2 definitions]
breathe When you breathe, you bring air into your body through your nose or mouth and then you let air go back out.
bridle A bridle is something that lets a rider control a horse. One part of the bridle is made up of leather straps and goes around the horse's head. Attached to this is a metal thing called a "bit" that goes into the horse's mouth. Attached to the bit are reins, which are long straps that are held in the hands of the rider.
bugle1 A bugle is a simple instrument that you blow through to make sounds. A bugle is made of a metal called brass. A bugle is similar to a trumpet, but you only use your mouth and not your fingers to make sounds with it. A bugle is sometimes used to wake up soldiers in the morning.
burp (informal) the act of letting gas out from the mouth in a loud manner; belch. [3 definitions]
catfish a fish with no scales and a large head, found mostly in fresh water. Catfish have long feelers around the mouth that look like a cat's whiskers.
checkup If you go to the doctor for a checkup, the doctor will look at you and do some things to see how healthy you are. The doctor listens to your heart, looks into your mouth and ears, measures your height and weight, and does some other things.