account |
If you have an account at a bank, it means that you can keep your money there. You can put more money into your account or take money out of your account when you need it. The bank sends a letter by mail each month to tell you how much money you have in your account. Some people don't get a letter but see their account on their computers. [1/5 definitions] |
accountant |
An accountant is a person who keeps track of how a business spends its money, gives advice about spending money, and often makes sure the company is paying a correct amount of tax to the government each year. All businesses have to report to the government how much money they make and pay a correct amount of tax. Some companies only use an accountant when they are reporting their income to the government and need to figure out how much tax they have to pay. People who have regular jobs also use accountants sometimes if their money affairs are complicated. |
ache |
to want very much. [1/3 definitions] |
add |
When you add, you put numbers together to find out how much they make. [1/4 definitions] |
addict |
one who very much enjoys a hobby or interest and spends a lot of time and energy on it. [1/3 definitions] |
addition |
In mathematics, addition is the adding of numbers together to find out how much they make. [1/3 definitions] |
adore |
(informal) to like very much. [1/3 definitions] |
advanced |
When something is at a much higher level than the beginning level, it is advanced. If you've been playing the drums for five years, you will be at a more advanced level than someone who is just starting to learn. |
affordable |
When something is affordable, you can buy it if you want to because it doesn't cost too much money. |
air pressure |
the force of air on things. Air pressure has to do with how much force air has when it has been compressed into a space like a tire. It is also the pressure of the earth's atmosphere. |
alcoholism |
a disease caused by the habit of drinking too much alcohol. Alcoholism is characterized by a strong desire to drink alcohol, difficulties in behaving properly, and troubling effects when alcohol use is stopped. |
a lot |
"A lot" means "very much." [1/2 definitions] |
amaze |
When something amazes you, it surprises you very much and it might be hard to believe that it is real or true. |
amount |
An amount of something is how much there is or how many there are. [1/3 definitions] |
ample |
large in size, amount, or space; as much or more than is needed. |
angle1 |
An angle is how much a line or surface slants compared with the flat ground or other flat surface. [1/4 definitions] |
appetite |
If there is something you want or like to do very much, we sometimes say you have an appetite for it. [1/2 definitions] |
apply |
to use with much effort. [1/5 definitions] |
-ard |
a suffix that means one who does something too much or too often. |
area |
The area of something is how much space it covers. [1/3 definitions] |
arrogance |
the condition or quality of being arrogant; having too much pride or belief in one's superiority. [1/2 definitions] |