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allied related or alike in nature. [1/2 definitions]
appraise to judge the quality or nature of. [1/2 definitions]
artificial When something is artificial, it is made by humans. Artificial things sometimes look like natural things, but they are not made by nature.
beast a part of human nature which is rude, cruel, or like a wild animal. [1/2 definitions]
campground A campground is an outdoor place where people put up tents and stay for a short time. Different groups of people can stay there at the same time, camping in different spots. A campground is often part of a large park. It is a place to relax and enjoy nature. In some campgrounds, people can park a vehicle that they can sleep in and cook in.
campsite A campsite is a particular spot where one person or a group sets up their camp. If they have a tent, their campsite is where they put it up. A campsite can be just some spot out in nature somewhere, but often it is part of a campground inside a park.
chemical Chemicals are the different substances that exist on the earth and in space. A chemical can be one basic substance, such as oxygen or gold or iron, but we also use the word chemical when we talk about mixtures of things, such as gasoline. People often think of chemicals as liquids, but chemicals can be solids and gases too. Chemicals are things that we can find in nature, but chemicals can also be substances that scientists make for special purposes, such as for medicines or products that we use in our daily lives. [1/2 definitions]
chemistry lab A chemistry lab is a special room in a school. In a chemistry lab, students can see what happens when certain chemicals come together with other chemicals. They can also learn how things happen in nature by watching something similar in the classroom.
Christian one who believes in the divine nature of Jesus Christ and follows his words and teachings. [1/4 definitions]
critical of the nature of a crisis; serious or dangerous. [1/3 definitions]
decay Decay is a process that occurs in nature. It is the process of a living thing slowing breaking down. After a plant dies, for example, the process of decay begins. [1/4 definitions]
define to describe the nature of. [1/2 definitions]
diagnosis the act or process of finding out the nature of an illness or injury by examining its signs and symptoms. [1/2 definitions]
drama a television show or film that is serious in nature and reveals emotional conflicts among fictional characters. [1/4 definitions]
eco-friendly When a product is eco-friendly, it is designed to be OK for the environment. That means that it doesn't harm nature. It does not poison the air or water, and it breaks down so it is not just trash when people are finished using it.
element (plural) the weather; forces of nature. [1/4 definitions]
essence that which makes something what it is; central nature. [1/2 definitions]
evaporation Evaporation is something that happens in nature. It is a kind of process. In this process, water and other liquids turn into gases and go into the air. Sometimes after it rains, you see puddles outside. But later, when the sun shines, the water in the puddles goes away. Do you ever wonder what happens to the water? You can't see it anymore because it has turned into a gas and gone up into the air. This process is called evaporation.
exposure the condition of being exposed to wind, cold, heat, rain, or other forces of nature. [1/6 definitions]
fresh When air is fresh, it is clean. It has the smell of nature and is not polluted. [1/7 definitions]
god a being that is worshipped and believed to have special powers over nature or life. The ancient Greeks and Romans believed in the existence of many gods and goddesses. [1/2 definitions]