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link Sometimes when you are on a computer, you click on a particular piece of text or an image and it takes you to a new page or to a different place on the same page. You can do this because there is an electronic connection between these places. This connection is called a "link." The piece of text or image that you clicked on is programmed to have this link so you can navigate from place to place. Sometimes when you click on something on a page, nothing happens. That's because there is no link within that text or image. [1/5 definitions]
navigate When you navigate something like a ship or airplane, you control where it is going so you can get to where you want to go. [3 definitions]
rapids a fast-moving part of a river or stream that flows over rocks and can be difficult or dangerous to navigate through.
sail to operate or navigate (a ship or a boat). [1/11 definitions]