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abolitionist An abolitionist is a person who supported the ending of slavery in the United States before and during the Civil War. Abolitionists fought hard in various ways to help the slaves become free and to make slavery against the law. The end of slavery finally came in 1865 near the end of the Civil War.
about in the same area; nearby. [2/8 definitions]
adjacent near or next to.
aftershock a small earthquake that follows a larger one. Aftershocks start at or near the same place where the first earthquake started. There are often several aftershocks after the first earthquake.
alongside along, near, or by the side of. [1/2 definitions]
Antarctic the land or seas at or near the South Pole; Antarctica or the Antarctic Ocean (used with "the").
anthill a pile of earth made by ants as they dig their underground nest. Anthills are found near the nest entrance.
apart If two things are not together anymore, we can say they are apart. They are separate. If your friend lived near you, but then she moved away, it means that the two of you are apart now. Also, when two things don't happen at the same time, but instead there is time between them, we say the two things happen apart. [1/2 definitions]
approach to come or go near to. [4/6 definitions]
approximately If you get home at approximately four o'clock, it means you get home around four o'clock. You might get there a few minutes before or after four, but the time you get there is near four. If it's approximately two miles from your home to your school, the distance from your home to your school is about two miles. It could be a little more or a little less.
around (informal) about; nearby. [4/12 definitions]
at1 When you are at a place, it means that you are in or near it. That place is where you are. [1/3 definitions]
attract to cause to come near. [1/2 definitions]
attraction If something has the power of attraction, it has the power to make things come near to it. It pulls things towards itself. [1/3 definitions]
aurora australis bands of light that appear in the skies at night near the South Pole; southern lights.
aurora borealis bands of light that appear in the skies at night near the North Pole; northern lights.
Australia Australia is a large island country that lies between the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. Much of Australia is very dry, and most of the people live in the towns and cities near the ocean. There are many beautiful beaches along the coasts. Australia has many animals and plants that only live or grow in Australia. Most people in Australia speak English, but other languages are spoken there too. [1/2 definitions]
Bahamas The Bahamas is a country made up of a large group of islands in the Atlantic Ocean. It is near Florida in the United States, and it is also near the country of Cuba in the Caribbean Sea. Many tourists come to the Bahamas because of its beautiful beaches and warm weather.
beach ball a large, air-filled ball of brightly colored plastic, usually used for games played in or near the water.
bedside beside or near a bed. [1/2 definitions]
boathouse a small building or shed built near or partly over the water's edge and used to store boats.