anxiety |
a feeling of being worried, nervous, or afraid that something will happen. |
anxious |
feeling worried, nervous, or afraid about something uncertain. [1/2 definitions] |
brain |
the organ inside the skull of humans and animals. The brain is the main part of the central nervous system. It controls the body's movements and activities and is the center of thought, memory, and feelings. [1/3 definitions] |
caffeine |
a bitter substance found in coffee, tea, chocolate, and some sodas. Caffeine stimulates the heart and nervous system and can cause a person to stay awake and alert. |
disturb |
to make nervous or uneasy; to trouble. [1/3 definitions] |
edgy |
nervous or impatient; on edge. |
epilepsy |
a nervous system disorder that causes convulsions and unconsciousness. |
excitement |
Excitement is a feeling or display of strong emotion. If you feel excitement about something, you might jump up and down about it, or maybe you can't sleep because of it. Excitement is often a very happy feeling about something that is going to happen, but sometimes it is a feeling of being scared or nervous. Excitement makes your heart beat faster. [1/2 definitions] |
exciting |
Things that make your heart beat fast are exciting. Things like skiing down a mountain, going up in a balloon, or watching an action movie can be exciting. Often, things that are exciting are things that people enjoy, but sometimes they can make people scared or very nervous. Many exciting things are both fun and scary. |
fiddle |
to move the fingers or hands without purpose or in a nervous way to fix or adjust something. [1/4 definitions] |
fidget |
to move in a nervous or restless way. [1/2 definitions] |
fluster |
to cause to become nervous, confused, or upset. [2 definitions] |
fumble |
to search or feel about for something in a nervous or clumsy way. [1/4 definitions] |
giggle |
to laugh in a silly or nervous way. [2 definitions] |
high-strung |
very nervous; easily upset; usually tense. |
hurried |
If you are hurried, something is forcing you to move more quickly than you normally would. Sometimes, when you are hurried, you make mistakes because you don't have time to be careful. People often feel uncomfortable or nervous when they are hurried. [1/2 definitions] |
nervous |
The word "nervous" refers to the nerves of the body. Nerves are long, very thin fibers that carry messages between your brain and other parts of your body. A person's nervous system is the system of the body that is made up mainly of the nerves and the brain. Your nervous system gives your body its sense of touch. It also sends signals from your brain to your muscles to make them move. [3 definitions] |
nervous system |
The nervous system is the system in your body that is made up mostly of your nerves and your brain. Nerves are long, very thin fibers that carry messages between your brain and other parts of your body. Your nervous system gives your body its sense of touch. It also sends signals from your brain to your muscles to make them move. |
on edge |
nervous or anxious; full of worry. |
pace1 |
When you pace, you walk back and forth across a room because you are nervous or worried. [1/5 definitions] |
pain |
physical hurt or discomfort that is usually caused by injury or illness. Pain is the nervous system's way of telling the brain that something is wrong. [1/5 definitions] |