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absence When there is an absence of something, it means that there is none of it. If there is an absence of conversation between people, it means that no one is talking to anyone else. [1/3 definitions]
die1 When a noise dies down or dies away, it get softer and softer until you do not hear it anymore. When a kind of animal or plant dies out, it slowly disappears from the world and there are none of these animals or plants left anywhere on the earth. [1/4 definitions]
extinct When a type of animal is extinct, there are no more of that type of animal living on Earth. There of none of them left in order to reproduce. Over the course of time, all members of that kind of animal have died. [1/2 definitions]
none "None" means "not one" or "not a single one." [3 definitions]
tune When an instrument is in tune, it makes exactly the right sound when you play each note. None of the sounds are too high or too low. If two guitars are each in tune, they can play together well. [1/5 definitions]
without having none of or no; lacking. [1/3 definitions]
zero being none or nothing in number or quantity. [1/4 definitions]