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at first in the beginning, or on the first occasion.
celebrate to do special things to honor a person or an occasion or to express happiness concerning some event. [1/3 definitions]
ceremony a formal act or series of acts done in a particular way to honor a special occasion. [1/2 definitions]
diner A diner is a person who eats a meal, especially in a restaurant or at a special occasion. [1/2 definitions]
every now and then from time to time; upon occasion.
every once in a while from time to time; upon occasion.
every so often from time to time; upon occasion.
instance a case, example or occasion.
meal1 an occasion when food is prepared and eaten at a specific time. [1/2 definitions]
never not on any occasion; not at any time. [1/2 definitions]
next on the occasion that follows immediately after the present. [1/4 definitions]
occasion An occasion is a time of something happening or of someone doing something. If you had an occasion of helping your dad wash the car, it means that you had a time when you did that. If you went to a concert on three occasions, you went to a concert three times. [3 definitions]
overdress to dress in a way that is too formal, or too warm for the occasion.
proper If something is proper, people think it is the correct or best thing for a certain purpose or occasion. [1/3 definitions]
serious If your dad has a serious look on his face, he is not laughing or smiling. If an occasion or event is serious, it is a time when people are not laughing or smiling. They might be worried, or they are thinking deeply or sadly about something. [1/5 definitions]
time If you remember a time when you were very sick, it means you remember a particular point in your life when were sick. A time is a particular instance or occasion. [1/8 definitions]
upon at the time or occasion of. [1/3 definitions]
when "When" sometimes means "at what moment" or "on what type of occasion." [1/5 definitions]