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Children's Dictionary
alien strange or odd because unfamiliar. [1/5 definitions]
character (informal) someone who is considered odd or peculiar. [1/6 definitions]
clown an actor who wears odd clothes and makeup to make people laugh. Clowns act out jokes and do tricks in circuses, at parties, and at other events. [1/3 definitions]
crank (informal) a person who has odd ideas or interests. [1/4 definitions]
crazy very unpredictable or odd. [1/4 definitions]
curiosity an unusual or odd thing. [1/2 definitions]
custodian a person who cleans, makes repairs, and does odd jobs in a building; janitor. [1/2 definitions]
eccentric not behaving or thinking in an ordinary or accepted way; odd; peculiar. [2 definitions]
flake (slang) an odd or strange person. [1/4 definitions]
funny strange or odd; unusual. [1/2 definitions]
gargoyle a sculpture of an odd or ugly animal or person carved as a decoration on a building. [1/2 definitions]
peculiar odd, strange, or unusual. [1/2 definitions]
peculiarity the state or fact of being odd or strange. [1/2 definitions]
queer strange, unusual, or not expected; odd; peculiar.
strange unusual; odd; peculiar. [1/3 definitions]
tramp a person who travels on foot from town to town and who lives by begging or doing odd jobs. [1/6 definitions]
twist to move and turn in odd directions; squirm. [1/18 definitions]
uneven of a number, odd. [1/5 definitions]
weird strange or odd; puzzlingly unusual. [1/2 definitions]