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alternative offering or allowing a choice. [1/3 definitions]
bribe If someone gives a bribe to someone, they give that person money to get them to do something that they want. And what they want is something dishonest or illegal. Usually, it is people like politicians, police officers, trial witnesses, and judges who are most frequently offered bribes. Of course, that does not mean that they accept bribes. Offering someone a bribe is against the law, and accepting a bribe is also against the law. [1/3 definitions]
care If someone asks you if you would care for something or care to do something, they are offering you something or inviting you to do something. They would like to know if you want what they are offering. They are asking this in a polite way and in a way that doesn't make you feel that you have to say yes. [1/7 definitions]
drivethrough offering a way of doing business with an establishment without leaving one's car. [1/3 definitions]
if When someone asks, "If you are hungry, why don't you eat something?" they mean that since you are hungry, why don't you eat something. In this case, they know that you are hungry, so they are wondering why you are not eating anything, or they are offering you something to eat. [1/4 definitions]
interview a meeting between a person who has applied for a job and the person who is offering the job. During such an interview, job requirements, qualifications, and pay are discussed. [1/3 definitions]
offer the act of offering. [1/6 definitions]
offering An offering is something that someone presents for someone else to take or buy. [2 definitions]
sacrifice to make an offering of to a god. [1/7 definitions]
tempt to try to get (someone) to do something wrong or not wise by offering or seeming to offer something very desirable. [1/3 definitions]
turn down If someone turns down something, they say "no" to it. They don't accept the thing that someone else is offering them. If you turn down a third piece of pizza, you say "no" when someone asks if you want it. [1/2 definitions]