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Children's Dictionary
ambassador a person who is sent by the government of one country to be its official representative in another country. [1/3 definitions]
amendment an official change made to a bill, law, or other document.
Amsterdam the official capital city of the Netherlands. Most of the government of the Netherlands is located in another city, The Hague.
authorize to give official permission to; allow or approve. [1/2 definitions]
ban1 to forbid or have an official rule against; prohibit. [1/2 definitions]
banish to cast out of a country by official action. [1/2 definitions]
Bible (l.c.) any book or text that is considered authoritative or official. [1/3 definitions]
cardinal an official of the Roman Catholic Church who is chosen by the pope and is second in rank to him. [1/3 definitions]
censor an official who decides what art, movies, or books may be published. A censor works for a government, religion, or other organization, and promotes its ideas. [1/3 definitions]
census an official count of the people who live in a country or other area. A census is also used to collect information about these people, such as their job, age, or sex.
chancellor the chief official of a university. [1/2 definitions]
charter an official document given by a government or ruler to a business or other group. The charter explains the group's rights and responsibilities. [1/4 definitions]
check in to let people know in an official way that one has arrived or that one is ready for something; register.
commonwealth the official title of certain U.S. states and Puerto Rico. [1/2 definitions]
consul a government official who lives in a foreign city. A consul looks after the interests of his or her nation's citizens who live or travel there.
custom (plural but used with a singular verb) the process in which official people inspect goods and question travelers about what things they are bringing into a country, or the place where this is done. [1/4 definitions]
Czechia the official shortened name for the Czech Republic. The Czech Republic is a country in Central Europe bordered by Germany, Poland, the Slovak Republic, and Austria.
decree an official order or decision by a ruler or government. [1/2 definitions]
diploma an official piece of paper stating that a student has earned a degree or finished a course of study. High schools, colleges, and universities give out diplomas.
formal following accepted rules for doing something; proper, legal, or official. [1/5 definitions]
guerrilla one of a group of soldiers who do not work as part of an official army. Guerillas make surprise attacks against an enemy.