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Children's Dictionary
ablaze on fire. [1/2 definitions]
afire burning; on fire. [1/2 definitions]
bombard to attack with bombs, cannon fire, or artillery. [1/2 definitions]
burn to be in flames; be on fire. [2/8 definitions]
diesel engine a type of engine that burns fuel oil. Diesel engines are different from most car engines, which use an electric spark to ignite the fuel. In a diesel engine, the fuel is sprayed into a chamber and set on fire by the heat of air that has been put under high pressure. Big trucks have diesel engines.
fiery on fire or containing fire; flaming. [1/3 definitions]
fireproof difficult or impossible to set on fire or to damage or destroy with fire.
flame the mixture of burning gas and vapor that rises from an object that is on fire. Flame is seen as brightly colored, flickering light. [1/4 definitions]
flammable able to catch on fire easily.
flintlock a part of an old-fashioned gun no longer in use. This part makes a spark that sets the powder inside on fire. [1/2 definitions]
ignite to cause to begin burning; set on fire. [1/2 definitions]
ignition the act of starting to burn or being set on fire. [1/2 definitions]
inflammable able to catch fire and burn, or easy to set on fire and burn; flammable.
light1 to cause to catch on fire. [1/11 definitions]
phoenix (sometimes cap.) a beautiful bird in Egyptian mythology that lives for five hundred years, then sets itself on fire and rises alive again from the ashes. The phoenix is a symbol of immortality.