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Children's Dictionary
ant an insect that lives in large, organized groups called colonies. Most kinds of ants live in or on the ground. Ants are related to bees and wasps.
brigade a group of people gathered or organized for a particular purpose. [1/2 definitions]
catalog an organized list of things such as book titles, goods for sale, or other items. Catalogs usually give a short description of each item on the list. [1/2 definitions]
harmony a pleasant or organized relation among the parts of something. [1/3 definitions]
look up to search for and find (a piece of information) in a book or other source that gives information in an organized way.
mob (informal) an organized group of people who break the law. [1/4 definitions]
neat careful and exact; organized and simple. [1/3 definitions]
organization the state of being organized. [1/3 definitions]
protest to express objection to or disagreement with, in a planned, organized way. [1/4 definitions]
shape an ordered or organized form. [1/6 definitions]
sprawl to spread in a manner that is not ordered or organized. [1/2 definitions]
table an organized display of information laid out in rows and columns. [1/4 definitions]
train an organized series of things, especially thoughts and ideas. [1/9 definitions]
tumble a disorderly, confused, or not organized state or collection. [1/5 definitions]
upset not organized; out of order [1/9 definitions]