atmosphere |
the gases surrounding the earth or other similar objects in outer space. [1/3 definitions] |
celestial |
of or having to do with the sky or outer space. [1/2 definitions] |
heavenly |
Heavenly things are things that are part of heaven or are part of outer space. In many religions, heaven is a place where God is and where people go after they die if they have been good people on earth. The space above the earth is sometimes called "the heavens." [1/2 definitions] |
meteorite |
a piece of rock from outer space that has landed on Earth. |
outer space |
Outer space is the huge space outside the earth. The sun, moon, stars, and planets are in outer space. Things in outer space are very far away, so people often use a telescope to look at things like stars and other planets. |
outside |
on, in, or to the outer space of. [1/6 definitions] |
planet |
a large body in outer space that circles around the sun or another star. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are all planets in our solar system. |
Pluto |
Pluto is a large round thing in outer space. Like our Earth, it travels around the sun. Scientists used to call Pluto a planet. It was the planet that was the smallest and farthest from the sun. But, now, scientists think Pluto is a little different from a real planet, and they don't call it a planet anymore. |
region |
A region is a large area of land or space. Sometimes a region is one part of a country. Sometimes a region is one part of the whole world. A region can also be a part of outer space or the universe. [1/2 definitions] |
satellite |
A satellite is a round thing in outer space that moves around a planet or other body in space that is larger than itself. Our moon is a satellite of Earth. The moons that go around other planets are also satellites. [2 definitions] |
science fiction |
a kind of fiction writing that is often about people living in the far future or about life on other planets or in other galaxies. Science fiction often tells of future scientific inventions or of strange beings or creatures from outer space. |
shooting star |
a chunk of metal or rock from outer space that burns up as it enters the earth's atmosphere; meteor. |
space |
the area that contains the entire universe beyond the earth; outer space. [1/7 definitions] |
spacecraft |
a vehicle designed to travel in outer space. |
spaceship |
a vehicle designed to carry people and cargo in outer space, as to the moon or the other planets. |
spacesuit |
a suit worn by astronauts that lets them breathe in outer space. |
spacewalk |
the action of an astronaut moving about outside a spacecraft in outer space. |
vacuum |
a space or container from which most of the air has been removed. Outer space and the inside of a light bulb are examples of vacuums. [1/4 definitions] |
voyage |
a long journey by air, land, sea, or outer space. [1/2 definitions] |
zodiac |
The zodiac is an imaginary belt that circles the earth in outer space. The belt is created by the paths of travel that the sun, moon, and planets appear to take through space as they are seen from the earth. As the celestial bodies travel along their paths, they go through areas where certain constellations can be seen. Each of these areas make up the parts of the zodiac. There are twelve of these parts and each one has a "sign" attached to it. The name of the sign is the name of the constellation located in that part of the zodiac. |