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appearance outward show or aspect; seeming. [2/4 definitions]
backhand a tennis stroke that involves a forward movement of the arm with the back of the hand outward.
bow-legged having legs that curve outward around or below the knees.
bulge a rounded or swollen part caused by pressure from below or within. [1/2 definitions]
convex having a surface or edge that curves outward like the outside of a ball.
edgewise with the edge forward or outward. [1/2 definitions]
face the way something looks; outward look or appearance. [1/8 definitions]
form the body or outward shape of an animal or person; figure. [1/8 definitions]
inside out reversed so that the inner surface is facing outward. [1/2 definitions]
out- a prefix that means "out," "outside," or "outward." [1/2 definitions]
outward If something moves outward, it moves away from you or away from a center point or starting point. [3 definitions]
project to throw or cast forward or outward. [2/6 definitions]
projection the act of pushing or throwing outward. [1/5 definitions]
stick2 to extend outward (usually followed by "out" or "through"). [1/10 definitions]
thrust When you thrust something, you push it outward with force. [2/4 definitions]