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model a person who poses for a painter, photographer, or other artist. [1/10 definitions]
painter1 A painter is someone who paints pictures. [2 definitions]
painting a specific picture done by a painter. [1/3 definitions]
palette a thin, oval board, with a thumb hole, on which a painter holds and mixes colors.
point of view Your point of view is the way you see or think about things. The way you think about things is influenced by your experiences in life as well as things like how old you are, how much money you have, your interests, your abilities, and even what you look like, For example, if you are young, you may have a different point of view from someone who is old. Let's say your town is thinking about building either an art museum or a swimming pool. Because you are young, you might think it's better to have a swimming pool. Being young influences your point of view. Of course, your point of view might be different if you don't like to swim and want to be a painter or sculptor when you grow up.