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baton A baton is a metal tube, that is carried by a person who leads a marching band in a parade. The baton is held high or spun around in the air. [1/3 definitions]
festival A festival is a large event that celebrates something. It often celebrates something like the harvest of a certain kind of crop, the new year, or the coming of spring. It usually happens at a certain time every year. At a festival, there are special things to do and see. Often there is music, dancing, games, or a parade. Often there are interesting foods to eat and fun things to buy. [1/3 definitions]
float a platform with decorations and displays that is usually on wheels and is used in a parade. [1/4 definitions]
grandstand the rows of seats where people watch a sports event or parade. The seats are often covered by a roof.
litter When we talk about litter, we mean pieces of paper, plastic, or other things that you might see lying in the street or on the ground. After a big parade, there is often litter in the street. [1/5 definitions]
marshal a person who is in charge of a parade or ceremony. [1/3 definitions]
parade When groups of people march together or ride slowly down a street in order to celebrate or honor something, it is called a parade. A parade is usually something happy and fun, and there are often bands playing music and people doing things to entertain the people who are watching. [3 definitions]
spectator one who watches something that is happening, especially something like a sporting event, race, or parade.