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abdomen The abdomen of an insect is the back part of its body that sticks out past its legs. [1/2 definitions]
affirmative action a policy to make sure certain groups of people are given a fair chance for jobs and education. In particular, this policy is for minority groups and women who were not given these opportunities in the past. Regulations made by the U.S. government support affirmative action.
ago in the past. [1/2 definitions]
antique an object, such as a piece of furniture, made many years in the past. [1/2 definitions]
archaeologist a scientist who works in the field of archaeology, the study of past human life and culture.
archaeology the study of past human life. An archaeologist digs up and then studies objects such as pottery, tools, and buildings.
are1 "Are" is a form of the verb "to be." You use "are" with the words "you," "we," or "they." It is also used with other plural words. We use "are" when we are talking about time in the present, not in the past.
arose past tense of "arise."
ate past tense of "eat."
awoke past tense of "awake."
awoken a past participle of "awake."
back old; from the past. [1/10 definitions]
backward moving or facing toward the back, rear, or past. [1/4 definitions]
be used with the past participle of another verb to connect the subject of the sentence to actions done to it. [1/8 definitions]
beaten "Beaten" is a past participle of the verb "beat."
became past tense of "become."
been past participle of "be."
before at an earlier time; in the past. [1/6 definitions]
began past tense of "begin."
begun past participle of "begin."
beheld past tense and past participle of "behold."