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bury the hatchet to make peace; forget past conflicts.
calm a condition of freedom from disturbance; peace and quiet. [1/6 definitions]
disturbance If there is a disturbance, something happens that causes an interruption of ordinary activity or a breaking of the peace.
dove1 a pure white bird of this type that is seen as a symbol of peace, or an image of such a bird used as a symbol. [1/2 definitions]
earth If we say that earth hopes for peace, we mean that people who live on earth hope for peace. [1/4 definitions]
harmony When there is harmony between people or things, there is peace and agreement between them. They get along well together. [1/3 definitions]
meditate to clear the mind for a period of time as a way to discipline oneself and find peace. [1/2 definitions]
order the condition in which the rules and laws of a society are obeyed; social or civil peace. [1/12 definitions]
pacify to calm or bring back peace of mind to.
peace Peace is a time when there is no war or fighting. [3 definitions]
peace pipe a long pipe smoked by some Native American peoples as a sign of peace or friendship.
R.I.P. an abbreviation for Latin words that mean "rest in peace." R.I.P is used when a person dies and is often written on a person's gravestone.
United Nations (used with a singular or plural verb) an organization of many nations started in 1945 to promote world peace and understanding.
yoga (often capitalized) a Hindu practice made up of a system of physical and mental exercises that free the self from the body and mind to find spiritual peace.