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beak A beak is the hard, outer part of a bird's mouth. A beak sticks out from the bird's face. Birds pick up food with their beaks.
bulldozer A bulldozer is a heavy vehicle with something like a big scoop attached to it that can pick up and move heavy things like dirt and rocks.
elephant an enormous mammal with a very long nose called a trunk. Elephants have curved tusks, huge, floppy ears, and four long, thick legs. Elephants use their trunks to pick up food, drink water, or lift things. They use their tusks to dig roots. Elephants travel in herds, eating tons of plants every day. African elephants are the largest mammals that live on land. Indian elephants are smaller and can be trained to work with people.
finger A finger is one of the five parts of your hand that stick out at the end. You use your fingers to pick up things. [1/2 definitions]
fork A fork is a tool we use to pick up or hold things. Most often we use it when we eat to pick up food. A fork has sharp points at one end and a handle on the other. [1/3 definitions]
mailbox A mailbox is a container used for holding mail. It is where people can pick up the mail that has been delivered to them. Sometimes a mailbox is outside someone's house or apartment building sitting on top of a post. In some apartment buildings, people's mailboxes are sections of a larger container built into a wall. In many places, people can use their mailboxes to send things to other people, but in some places, like large cities, the boxes are only used for deliveries. [1/2 definitions]
peck2 to strike, or pick up quickly with the beak. [1/5 definitions]
pick up When you pick up something, or pick something up, you take it into your hand or hands. If you dropped some money on the ground, you would probably pick it up! [3/5 definitions]
recycling bin A recycling bin is a container used for holding things that you don't need anymore but can be used again in some way. People often put things like glass bottles, aluminum cans, and newspapers in recycling bins. These things can be "recycled," which means they can be used again or made into new products. In many cities, a truck comes to pick up the things in the recycling bins and then brings them to a place where the process of recycling them can begin.
scoop to gather in or pick up swiftly. [1/5 definitions]
stoop1 to bend the body forward and downward, as to pick up something. [1/4 definitions]
taxi driver2 A taxi driver is a person whose job is to pick up people in a car called a "taxi" and drive them to the places they want to go. People pay the taxi driver for their ride.
terminal A terminal is a station at the end of a route, where airplanes, ships, buses, or trains stop to pick up and let people off. [1/4 definitions]
thumb the short, thick first finger on humans and other primates. The thumb makes it easy for the hand to pick up things and grasp them. [1/3 definitions]
tongs Tongs are a tool that people sometimes use to grab something, especially when cooking. Tongs are made out of metal, and they have two arms that can be made to touch each other in order to hold and pick up something.
trunk the long snout of an elephant. An elephant uses its flexible trunk to breathe, feed itself, pick up objects, and many other things. [1/6 definitions]
tweezers A tweezers is a small metal tool. It has two parts that you can press together so that you can pick up or pull out very tiny things like a hair or a splinter.
windstorm A period of very strong winds is called a windstorm. During a windstorm, there might be only wind with no rain at all. Windstorms often pick up dust or sand.