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aviator a person who flies an aircraft; pilot.
cockpit the area from which the pilot and crew control an airplane. [1/2 definitions]
control Controls are something on a machine that let you make it do what you want. A television has controls that let you turn it on and off and change how loud it is. A pilot uses controls to fly an airplane. [1/4 definitions]
crew All of the people who work on a ship or an airplane are called "the crew." Sometimes, though, we use "crew" to mean everyone working except the captain or pilot. [1/2 definitions]
entertain When you entertain an idea, you have it in your mind as a possibility. If you entertain the idea that you will become a pilot one day, you are considering this as something you might like to do in the future. [1/3 definitions]
fly1 to travel in or pilot an aircraft. [1/9 definitions]
land When a pilot lands, they bring their airplane or other vehicle down to the ground safely. [1/8 definitions]
pilot A pilot is a person who flies an airplane. [3 definitions]
safely If people come home safely through a bad storm, they come home okay with nobody hurt. If a pilot lands an airplane safely on the ground, it means that the pilot landed the airplane in a way that did not cause any harm to the passengers or the crew members.
steering wheel a wheel that is turned by a driver, pilot, or the like to control the direction of a land vehicle, boat, or aircraft.
unmanned not having a human pilot or crew.