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albino a human or animal that is born without normal coloring. Albinos have very pale skin and hair and pink eyes. Plants can also be albinos.
apricot An apricot is a soft, round fruit with fuzzy skin. Its color is light orange, sometimes with a bit of pink in it. Apricots look similar to peaches, but they are smaller and taste a little different. Apricots are often made into jam.
aster a plant with white, pink, blue, or purple flowers. The flowers are made up of many narrow petals around a yellow center.
blush a pink or red color. [1/3 definitions]
carnation a flower with a pleasant smell and fringed petals. Carnations grow in many colors, including red, white, or pink.
cherry A cherry is a type of tree. It has beautiful white and pink flowers in the spring, and it gives us the fruit that we call "cherries." It also gives a beautiful wood that is sometimes used for furniture. We often call these trees "cherry trees" instead of "cherries." [1/3 definitions]
coleus a plant with colorful leaves, usually of green with reddish-purple or green with pink.
coral a yellowish red or pink color. [1/3 definitions]
daisy a plant that has flowers with white, pink, or yellow petals around a yellow center.
dogwood a tree that has groups of small flowers surrounded by pink or white leaves that look like petals.
flamingo a large, tropical, wading bird with very long legs and a long neck. Flamingos typically have bright pink or red feathers.
geranium a garden plant with red, pink, or white flowers that grow in bunches.
Gila monster a large, venomous reptile that lives in the southwestern part of the United States and in Mexico. This lizard has a short tail and scales in patterns of black with orange, yellow, or pink.
granite Granite is a light-colored rock made by volcanoes. It is often used to make buildings and things like counters in a kitchen or bathroom. Granite usually has pink, white, and black spots in it.
grapefruit a large, juicy fruit with yellow skin and yellow or pink pulp which is often sour. The grapefruit is a citrus fruit like the orange or lemon.
gum2 Your gums are the pink areas of your mouth that surround the bottom parts of your teeth.
hawthorn a shrub or small tree with long thorns that has white or pink flowers and small red berries.
heather an evergreen plant that has tiny pink or purple flowers that are shaped like bells.
honeysuckle a bush or vine with white, yellow, or pink flowers that have a sweet smell and taste.
larkspur a plant with bright blue, pink, or white flowers on a tall stalk. The flowers have a long projection called a spur.
lilac a shrub that has large clusters of purple, white, or pink flowers. [1/3 definitions]