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Children's Dictionary
congratulate to praise and express pleasure at the achievement or good luck of.
cruise to travel for pleasure in a ship. [2/3 definitions]
delight great pleasure or joy. [4 definitions]
drink a liquid that one swallows for thirst or for pleasure. [1/6 definitions]
ecstasy a feeling of great pleasure or joy.
enjoy to find pleasure or joy in. [2/3 definitions]
enjoyment the state or act of enjoying; pleasure.
excursion a group tour taken for pleasure, often at a lower fare. [1/2 definitions]
gardener a person who gardens for pleasure. [1/2 definitions]
happy feeling joy or pleasure; being glad or content. [1/2 definitions]
hobby1 an interest or activity that one does for pleasure in one's spare time.
jaunt a short trip made for fun and pleasure.
joy a great feeling of happiness or pleasure; delight. [1/2 definitions]
like2 to find pleasure in; enjoy. [1/4 definitions]
luxurious giving great comfort or pleasure.
luxury a way of living that is full of great pleasure and comfort. [1/2 definitions]
marina a harbor that has docks, services, and supplies for pleasure boats.
outing a trip away from home or school for pleasure; field trip.
pet1 a tame animal people keep in their homes as a companion or for pleasure. [1/4 definitions]
please to make content or give pleasure to; make happy. [1/4 definitions]
poison something that destroys or injures pleasure, happiness, or other good things. [1/5 definitions]