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charge If a hotel charges guests two dollars for shampoo, it means that guests have to pay two dollars if they want to use the hotel's shampoo. If a plumber charges a customer a hundred dollars to fix a leaking pipe, it means the plumber requires the customer to pay that much for the work. [1/9 definitions]
plumber A plumber is a person whose job is to work on pipes that carry water through buildings. If there is a problem with a sink or toilet, or if water is leaking from some pipe in a building, people usually call a plumber.
plumbing the work or business of a plumber. [1/2 definitions]
professional If someone does a professional job at something, it means that they do it very well. They do it like a person who does that kind of work for a living. If your mom is a teacher but she does a professional job fixing the sink, it means she does the work the way a real plumber would do it. [1/4 definitions]
super (informal) A super is a person who takes care of a building, especially an apartment building. The super sometimes fixes things and sometimes has someone else fix them, like a plumber or electrician. [1/3 definitions]