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adder2 a small, poisonous snake found in Europe and Asia.
anaconda a very large snake found in South America. Anacondas are not poisonous but kill other animals by squeezing them until they cannot breathe. Anacondas can grow to over twenty feet long.
arsenic a poisonous substance that is one of the chemical elements. It can be either grayish white, yellow, or black. (symbol: As)
black widow a small spider of North and South America. The female has a shiny, black body with a red mark on her underside and a poisonous bite.
boa constrictor a large snake that lives in the tropical areas of Central and South America. Boa constrictors are pale brown with darker marks and are not poisonous. They kill their prey by winding around it and squeezing it until it cannot breathe.
bromine a poisonous, dark reddish brown liquid that is one of the chemical elements. It evaporates quickly and combines easily with other elements. (symbol: Br)
carbon monoxide a poisonous gas with no color or smell. Carbon monoxide forms when a material made of carbon, like gasoline, is not fully burned because of too little air.
chlorine a substance that is one of the chemical elements. It combines with sodium to form table salt. It is also used in making bleach. Chlorine is poisonous in its pure gas form. (symbol: Cl)
cobra a poisonous snake found in Asia and Africa. When excited, cobras are known to rear up and spread the skin of their necks into a shape like a hood.
copperhead a poisonous snake that has a copper-colored body with darker bands. Copperheads are found in the southeastern United States.
coral snake a small, poisonous snake that has red, yellow, and black bands around its body. It is found in the southwestern part of the United States and in Central and South America.
cottonmouth a poisonous North American snake that lives in swamps; water moccasin.
fluorine a substance that is a chemical element. Fluorine combines easily with other elements to form compounds. Some of these compounds are used to prevent tooth decay. Fluorine is poisonous in its pure gas form. (symbol: F)
Gila monster a large, poisonous reptile that lives in the southwestern part of the United States and in Mexico. This lizard has a short tail and scales in patterns of black with orange, yellow, or pink.
hemlock a poisonous plant that has a hollow stem and small white flowers. [1/2 definitions]
iodine a substance that is one of the chemical elements. Iodine combines easily with other elements. It is found in salt water and seaweed. Iodine is poisonous in its pure crystal form. (symbol: I) [1/2 definitions]
mask a covering for the mouth and nose to protect the wearer from germs, poisonous gases, dust, or the like. A mask is also used to protect other people from one's own germs. Some kinds of masks are used to provide oxygen or other breathable gas to the wearer through an attached tube. [1/6 definitions]
mistletoe a poisonous, evergreen plant that has white berries and small, yellow flowers. Mistletoe is a parasite that grows on trees. [1/2 definitions]
mongoose a mammal related to the ferret, known for its ability to kill poisonous snakes.
mushroom a fungus with a stalk and a cap that looks like a small umbrella. Some kinds of mushrooms can be eaten; other kinds are poisonous. Mushrooms live in damp places and are the fruiting bodies of certain kinds of fungi. [1/3 definitions]
nicotine a poisonous substance found in the tobacco plant. Nicotine is what causes people to become addicted to cigarettes.