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Children's Dictionary
bad not positive. [1/10 definitions]
certain sure; positive; having no doubt. [1/4 definitions]
charge the amount of electricity in an object. Charge causes electrical energy to flow in a current. The movement of electrical energy from one point to another is caused by a difference between the charges at the two points. An electrical charge can be positive or negative. [1/12 definitions]
impress1 to make a strong impact on (someone), especially a positive impact.
impressed having a strong, lasting, or positive feeling about someone or something as a response to having met or encountered that person or thing.
integer a positive or negative whole number or zero.
nucleus the central part of an atom, which has a positive charge. [1/3 definitions]
plus something done or added that gives a positive or extra value. [1/5 definitions]
plus sign a mathematical sign (+) indicating addition or a positive quantity.
proton a tiny particle in the nucleus of an atom. A proton has a positive electrical charge.
sure free of doubt as to the truth of something; positive. [1/4 definitions]
unit the smallest positive whole number; one. [1/4 definitions]