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Children's Dictionary
chip1 the British word for a long, thin stick or slab of potato that is deep-fried. This meaning of "chip" has the same meaning as "french fry" in American English. [1/6 definitions]
crisp the British word for a very thin slice of potato that is fried in oil and seasoned with salt and sometimes other flavorings. "Crisp" has the same meaning as "potato chip." [1/4 definitions]
crispy easily broken or crumbled, as fried or baked foods such as fresh potato chips or newly-baked crackers,
fry1 (usually plural) long pieces of potato that have been fried. [1/2 definitions]
latke a pancake made with small bits of potato, egg, onion, and salt. Latkes are fried in a pan with oil.
potato chip a very thin slice of potato that is fried until it is crisp.
sweet potato an orange plant root that is eaten as a vegetable. A sweet potato looks like an orange potato, but the two plants are not closely related. Sweet potatoes usually have a sweet taste when they are cooked.
yam a kind of sweet potato. [1/2 definitions]