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beat to pound; thump. [1/9 definitions]
hammer a hand tool with a solid, heavy head on a handle. It is used to pound or to beat something into shape or place. [3/5 definitions]
knock to rap, pound, or hit something, such as a door. [1/6 definitions]
lb. abbreviation of "pound" or "pounds."
milligram A milligram is a unit of weight in the metric system. One milligram is a very tiny amount of weight. It is equal to 1/1000 of a gram. One pound of butter weighs about 450,000 milligrams. A short way to write "milligram" is "mg."
ounce1 a unit of weight equal to one sixteenth of a pound or 28.350 grams. (abbreviated: oz.) [1/3 definitions]
penny The smaller unit of money in the United Kingdom. One penny is equal in value to 1/100 of a pound. [1/2 definitions]
pound1 When you pound something, you hit it over and over very hard. [2/5 definitions]
pound2 A pound is a certain amount of weight. One pound is how much four sticks of butter weigh when you buy them in a package in a store. New babies usually weigh about six to nine pounds. A big dog can weigh over a hundred pounds. A short way to write pound or pounds is "lb." [2 definitions]
tantrum When a young child has a tantrum, they get very, very angry and usually make a lot of noise. They might scream or yell, or they might stamp their feet or pound something with their fists. A tantrum usually lasts several minutes.
unit A unit is a particular amount that is used to measure things. The inch and the foot are units for measuring how long something is. The pound and the ounce are units for measuring how much something weighs. The degree is a unit for measuring temperature. [1/3 definitions]