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Children's Dictionary
am a form of the verb "be" that is present tense and used with the pronoun "I."
are1 a form of the verb "be" that is present tense and used with the pronouns "you," "we," or "they." It is also used with plural nouns.
does a present tense of do1.
goes the present tense of go.
has the present tense of "have," used with "he," "she," or "it," or with singular nouns.
present1 having to do with the tense of a verb that describes action or existence now. "Is," "possess," and "throws" are examples of verbs in the present tense. [1/4 definitions]
present tense a form of a verb that shows that something is happening now or that a condition exists in the present time. In the sentence, "The sky is blue," "is" is in the present tense.
-s1 a suffix used to form the third person singular present tense of all regular and most irregular verbs.