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administration Administration is the directing or managing of things. In a school, students study and teachers teach, but there are also people who do administration. These people do the work of running the school. They do all kinds of different things like hiring teachers, disciplining students, making sure that the lights work, making sure that the school is cleaned, and making sure that the school's bills get paid. The principal does a lot of the administration of the school but there are others who take part in it too. [1/2 definitions]
award An award is a special prize that someone gets for doing something very good or important. The reason for giving an award to someone is to make that person feel special. The award might just be a piece of paper or a small statue, but it tells you and other people that you did something very good. An award is often given by someone like a teacher, a school principal, a special group, or a town leader.
central main or principal; most important. [1/2 definitions]
enforce If the police enforce a law, they make people obey the law. They don't let them break it. In a school, it is the principal and the teachers who enforce the school rules.
graduation When students successfully complete high school or college, there is a ceremony called a "graduation." Families and friends of students often come to watch the ceremony. At the ceremony, there are speeches, and usually each student crosses the stage and receives their diploma from the principal or head of the school. A diploma is a piece of paper that shows that the student has completed the school program successfully.
Java the principal island of Indonesia. [1/2 definitions]
mercy If a judge treats a prisoner with mercy, the judge does not punish the prisoner as much as he or she could. If a student does something very wrong and the school principal shows mercy to them, the principal gives them only a mild punishment, or they stop the punishment they are already giving. Mercy is a type of kindness or a kind way of treating someone. [1/3 definitions]
Niagara Falls waterfalls on the Niagara River located on the border between the United States and Canada. The falls are divided into two principal sections by an island in the river. The two major sets of falls are the Horseshoe Falls, on the Canadian side, and the American Falls, on the U.S. side. The large and impressive falls are popular with sightseers.
principal "Principal" means main or most important. A principal street in your town is one that people use the most, so it is one of the most important. A principal reason for something is the main or most important reason for it. [3 definitions]
principal's office The principal's office is a place in a school. The principal is the head of the school and makes important decisions about how the school runs. The principal's office is where the principal works with other people who help run the school. Sometimes the principal has to decide what to do with students who make problems for other children and the teacher in the classroom. If a student does something bad or needs to go home for some reason, that student might spend time in the principal's office.
represent If someone represents a group of people, they speak for that whole group when they meet with others outside of that group. Let's say that everyone in a class is angry about something but they are afraid to tell the school principal, maybe the class will choose one person to represent them and that person will go to the principal and speak for everybody. When someone goes to another country to speak for the people of their country, we say that that person represents their country or represents the people of their country. [1/3 definitions]
set a series of games that is the principal unit of a match in tennis. The player who wins the most sets wins the match. [1/19 definitions]
speech A speech is a talk given by one person to a large group of people. When someone gives a speech, the people listening stay quiet, usually, until the speech is over. A school principal usually makes a speech at a student graduation or at the beginning of a school year. People in politics often make speeches. [1/4 definitions]
suspend If a school principal suspends a student, they don't let the student come to school for some period of time because of some bad thing that the student did. Being suspended is a kind of punishment. [1/3 definitions]