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captive one who is captured and held prisoner. [2 definitions]
cell a very small room for a prisoner, nun, or monk. [1/4 definitions]
enslaved If a person is enslaved, someone has wrongly taken away that person's freedom and made them become a type of prisoner. The person who has done this considers the enslaved person their property and usually forces them to do long, hard, and painful work for them.
handcuff Handcuffs are a device used to hold together the wrists of a prisoner. They are often used by police. Handcuffs have two metal rings that go around the wrists. The rings are joined together by a chain or bar but can be opened by a key.
hostage someone held prisoner by a person or group trying to force another person or group to meet certain demands.
iron (plural) chains used to hold a prisoner. [1/9 definitions]
kidnap When people kidnap someone, they take that person to a secret place and keep them like a prisoner in order to get money from someone else. They promise they will let this person go free if they are given the money they ask for.
mercy If a judge treats a prisoner with mercy, the judge does not punish the prisoner as much as he or she could. If a student does something very wrong and the school principal shows mercy to them, the principal gives them only a mild punishment, or they stop the punishment they are already giving. Mercy is a type of kindness or a kind way of treating someone. [1/3 definitions]
parole the release of a prisoner before the time of punishment is finished. Prisoners who are given parole have behaved well in prison. When on parole, they must obey certain rules. [1/2 definitions]
POW a person who has been taken prisoner by the enemy during a war. "POW" is an abbreviation of "prisoner of war."
prisoner A prisoner is a person who must stay in a jail or prison.