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according to When you play a game according to the rules, it means that you play the game the way the rules say you should play it. If a project is going according to your plan, it is going the way you planned for it to go. [1/2 definitions]
cast to give forth; direct or project. [1/12 definitions]
collaborate to work with someone else on a project.
cooperative a project that is owned and run by several people. [1/3 definitions]
dig a research project that involves digging for artifacts or bones. [1/6 definitions]
enterprise a plan or project that is risky, bold, or difficult to carry out; undertaking. [1/2 definitions]
funding Funding is the money that is needed for a particular purpose such as a building project or a scientific research project.
job If your teacher tells you that you did a great job on your project, your teacher means that your work on the project was great. What you did was really good. [1/4 definitions]
jut to project or stick out sharply (often followed by "out").
manager the person who controls a business or acts as the leader of a plan or project.
move When something is moving, it is going forward, like a plan or project. [1/11 definitions]
partner A partner is a person you do something with. When you dance with someone, they are your partner, and you are their partner. If two people work on a project together, they are project partners. [1/2 definitions]
Ph.D. a degree that is earned following college after several years of additional study and the completion of a major research project. "Ph.D." is an abbreviation of Latin words which mean "Doctor of Philosophy."
practically If you are practically finished with your project, then you are almost finished with it. If your shoes are practically dry, then they are almost dry. [1/2 definitions]
project A project is something you do that takes a lot of effort and planning. [5/6 definitions]
reflect When something reflects another thing, it shows it. When your project reflects your hard work, it shows that you worked hard. If your painting reflects your feelings about something, your feelings are in some way contained in the painting and can be seen by others. [1/4 definitions]
scrap1 When we talk about scrap metal, we mean pieces of metal that might be thrown away or pieces that have been thrown away but are waiting to be used again in new products. Scrap material is similar. It is material that is left over from some project and might be thrown away or might be used in a new product. [1/4 definitions]
screen to project on a screen. [1/8 definitions]
start to help to begin a project or job. [1/8 definitions]
through If you see a project through, it means that you stay with the project to the end. You don't quit. [1/10 definitions]
turn out If your painting for your art project turned out great, it means that, in the end, when the painting was finished, the result was that the painting was great. You didn't know from the beginning whether it would even be good. It might have even been bad, but now you know the end result--it was great.