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a little If you are a little tired, you are tired to a small degree. If you usually read a little before going to sleep, then you read for a small amount of time before you go to sleep. [1/3 definitions]
ancient Something ancient is a thing that existed or happened a very, very long time ago, like an ancient kingdom or an ancient tribe of people. When you read about an "ancient country," that country might still exist now--like Egypt or Greece--but you are reading about that country the way it was maybe thousands of years ago. [1/2 definitions]
article An article is something you can read in a magazine or newspaper. You can also find articles on a website or in some kinds of books. An article talks about real things. It is not a story that the writer has made up. An article is not usually very long. Sometimes it can fit on just one part of a page. A newspaper has many articles. [1/3 definitions]
audio Anything audio has something to do with sound. An audio book is a book that you can hear being read. An audio tape is a tape that has sound recorded on it and that you can listen to. [1/3 definitions]
ban1 When something is banned, it is not allowed because of a rule or law. If a school bans a book, then no one is allowed to read it. If a new law bans a kind of medicine, then companies cannot sell it anymore and doctors cannot give it. [1/2 definitions]
bingo a game in which players try to match numbers on a card with numbers read out by a caller. Each player has a card with numbered squares. The player who is the first to cover a whole row of squares is the winner.
blog A blog is something that people write and let other people read on a website. When people have a blog, they write things every day or very often. They write about something they have done, or that they like, or something that they just think is interesting.
book A book is something to read, look at, or draw on. It's made up of sheets of paper between two covers. Each sheet is called a page, and the pages usually have writing or pictures on them. Some books have empty pages so you can write or draw on them. [1/2 definitions]
bookworm a person who loves to study and read books. [1/2 definitions]
Braille (often lowercase) a writing and printing system for blind people, in which patterns of raised dots are used to represent letters. Blind people touch the dots with their fingers to read.
bulletin board A bulletin board is a kind of board that usually hangs on a wall in a public place or in your home. People put up notices and other things on the board that they want people to read or that they want to remember.
cartoon A cartoon is a picture or set of pictures that make people laugh or think. People draw cartoons. They are not photographs. Cartoons often have words for you to read that show what a character is thinking or saying. [1/2 definitions]
CD1 abbreviation of "compact disk," a round, flat disk that sound can be recorded on and that people can listen to. Other types of information can be stored on a CD also. The information on a CD is in the same form as the information stored in a computer. It is digital information. You play a CD on a special device that has a laser in it that can "read" the information on the CD.
chant to read or speak in a chant. [1/4 definitions]
charming If something is charming, it has something that attracts people and makes them happy. A charming story makes children pay attention right away, and it delights them. They might want to hear it or read it many times. If a person is charming, they make people like them right away. They are pleasant and make people smile.
clear When you read something, and it is clear, it means that it is easy to understand. [1/7 definitions]
comma A comma is a little mark (,) that we use in writing. A comma separates words or parts of a sentence and makes the sentence easier to understand when people read it. We also use commas to separate things in a list and when we write large numbers like one thousand (1,000) and one million (1,000,000).
compact disk a small disk on which music or information is stored. A compact disk is played on a machine that uses a laser to read it.
deliver to speak or read aloud. [1/5 definitions]
den A den is a comfortable room in a house where people read, watch TV, play games, or do other things to relax. [1/2 definitions]
dictate to say or read aloud for someone to write down or for a machine to record. [1/3 definitions]