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herself When a girl is looking at herself in the mirror, it means that she is looking at someone in the mirror and that person is she. The girl and her reflection are the same person. [1/4 definitions]
himself If a boy is looking at himself in the mirror, it means that the boy is looking at someone in the mirror and that person is he. The reflection and the boy are the same person. [1/4 definitions]
image a picture of something formed by a mirror; reflection. [1/4 definitions]
narcissus (capital) in Greek mythology, a young man who fell in love with his own reflection and, when he perished from unfulfilled love, was transformed into a flower. [1/3 definitions]
reflection A reflection is the heat, light, or image that bounces off an object or surface. When you look in a mirror, you see your reflection. When you look at a body of water, you often see a reflection of things around it. [2 definitions]