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chalk up to regard as the result of; attribute. [1/2 definitions]
concerning having to do with; about; in regard to.
count1 to consider to be; regard. [1/8 definitions]
find to consider or regard. [1/6 definitions]
jurisdiction Jurisdiction is the right or power to enforce the law and to judge what is legal or not. In a family, children do not usually have jurisdiction over what is against the rules or not, or the power to make others obey the rules. Usually, parents have this jurisdiction. In a country, the national government has jurisdiction with regard to some laws, but state and city governments have jurisdiction with regard to other laws. For example, cities have jurisdiction over where people are allowed to park on the streets. States have jurisdiction over how old you have to be to get married.
lightning like lightning, especially in regard to movement. [1/2 definitions]
like2 to have affection or regard for. [1/4 definitions]
on with regard to; about; concerning. [1/20 definitions]
rate1 a quantity calculated with regard to another measured quantity, as, for example, "miles per hour" or "beats per minute." [2/6 definitions]
regard When you regard someone as your best friend, it means that you think of them as your best friend. [4/5 definitions]
respect regard; relation; reference. [1/6 definitions]
self-respect the proper regard for oneself and one's worth as a person.
to in regard to; concerning. [1/15 definitions]