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A.D. |
A.D. is an abbreviation of the Latin words "anno domini." The abbreviation A.D. is used in dates when people are talking about things in history that happened after Jesus Christ was born. The year that Jesus Christ was born is called "1 A.D." The year after that is called "2 A.D." Jesus Christ is considered both God and man in the religion of Christianity, and he is an important figure in the history of the world. The calendar that most people use nowadays was created by Christians. That's why the year of Christ's birth was chosen as a way to divide older times from newer times. This calendar is not the first or only calendar that people in the world have created, but most people nowadays use this particular calendar. Instead of "A.D.," though, people often use "C.E." nowadays, which stands for "Common Era" or "Christian Era." |
Allah |
the name of the supreme deity in the Muslim religion. |
apostle |
An apostle is a person who strongly believes in what another person is teaching, especially in the area of religion or philosophy. When people talk about "the Apostles," though, they are usually talking about the twelve earliest followers of Jesus Christ, most of whom spread his teachings after his death. Jesus Christ was a person who lived about 2000 years ago. His teachings began the religion of Christianity, and Christians consider him to be the son of God and also part of God. |
B.C.1 |
B.C. is an abbreviation of the words "before Christ." The abbreviation B.C. is used in dates when people are talking about things in history that happened before the time of Jesus Christ. The year before Christ was born is called "1 B.C." The year before that is called "2 B.C." Jesus Christ is considered both God and man in the religion of Christianity, and he is an important figure in the history of the world. The calendar that most people use nowadays was shaped by believers of Christianity. That's why the year of Christ's birth was chosen as a way to divide older times from newer times. This calendar is not the first or only calendar that people in the world have created, but most people nowadays use this calendar that uses Christ's birth in this way. Instead of "B.C.," though, people often use "BCE" nowadays, which stands for "before the Common Era." The words are different but it also refers to the birth of Jesus Christ. |
B.C.E. |
B.C.E. is an abbreviation of the words "before the Common Era." This abbreviation is often used for dates in history. The abbreviation B.C.E. (or "BCE") is used in dates when people are talking about things in history that happened before Jesus Christ was born. The year before Jesus Christ was born is called "1 B.C.E." The year before that is called "2 B.C.E." Jesus Christ is considered both God and man in the religion of Christianity, and Jesus Christ is an important figure in the history of the world. The calendar that most people use nowadays was shaped by believers of Christianity. That's why the year of Christ's birth was chosen as a way to divide older times from newer times. This calendar is not the first or only calendar that people in the world have created, but most people nowadays use this calendar that uses the year of Christ's birth in this way. "B.C.E." replaces an older abbreviation, which is "B.C." |
Bible |
any collection of writings considered sacred to a religion. [1/3 definitions] |
Buddhism |
a religion from Asia, founded in the sixth century B.C. by Buddha. Buddhism teaches freedom from the self and from one's wants. |
C.E. |
"C.E." is an abbreviation of the words "Common Era "or "Christian Era." It is used in dates when people are talking about things in history that happened after Jesus Christ was born. The year that Jesus Christ was born is called "1 C.E." The year after that is called "2 C.E." Jesus Christ is considered both God and man in the religion of Christianity, and he is an important figure in the history of the world. The calendar that most people use nowadays was created by Christians. That's why the year of Christ's birth was chosen as a way to divide older times from newer times. This calendar is not the first or only calendar that people in the world have created, but most people nowadays use this particular calendar. "A.D." is an older abbreviation" that gives the same meaning as "C.E." |
censor |
an official who decides what art, movies, or books may be published. A censor works for a government, religion, or other organization, and promotes its ideas. [1/3 definitions] |
Christian |
of, concerning, or coming from the person, actions, or words of Jesus Christ, or the religion based on his teachings. [2/4 definitions] |
Christianity |
the Christian religion, including its many separate branches. [2 definitions] |
Christmas |
Christmas is a holiday that is celebrated in the religion of Christianity. The holiday is on December 25 every year. It celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ, whose life and teachings began the religion of Christianity. People often celebrate Christmas by going to church, decorating a tree with pretty lights, and giving gifts. Many people who are not Christians also enjoy the traditions of Christmas by putting up a Christmas tree and giving presents. |
church |
A church is a place of religion. People who are Christians come to a church to praise their God, to think about how they should live, and to pray. A church is also a place where people often have weddings. [1/2 definitions] |
civil |
Something that is civil is connected with ordinary life of citizens and is not connected with religion of any kind or with the army or other military force [1/3 definitions] |
cross |
A cross is a thing in the shape of a cross, especially something used as a symbol for the Christian religion. [1/7 definitions] |
devil |
In the Christian religion, the devil is the chief spirit of evil. The devil is the enemy of God. [1/2 definitions] |
devout |
devoted to religion. [1/2 definitions] |
doctrine |
a belief or set of beliefs held by a religion, government, or other group. [1/2 definitions] |
Easter |
Easter is a Christian holiday that occurs in the spring. According to the Christian religion, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, returned to life on the third day after he died. The Easter holiday celebrates this return to life. It is held every year on the Sunday after the first full moon between March 21 and April 25. |
faith |
any particular religion and its teachings. [1/3 definitions] |
faithful |
When people talk about the faithful, they are talking about the strong believers of a particular religion. [1/3 definitions] |