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beet a plant whose leaves and fleshy dark red root can be eaten.
briar a pipe made from the root of a brier.
brier2 a shrub of southern Europe. The brier's woody root is used in making tobacco pipes.
carrot a plant that produces an orange root that is eaten as a vegetable. [2 definitions]
derivation something taken from a root or source; something derived. [1/3 definitions]
ginger the root of a tropical plant, used as a spice to flavor food. [2 definitions]
licorice a flavoring made from the root of this plant. [1/3 definitions]
parsnip a plant like a carrot. The parsnip has yellow flowers and a large, pale root that can be eaten. [2 definitions]
potato A potato is a root that you eat as a vegetable. Potatoes are white or yellow inside and have brown, red, or yellowish skin.
radical having to do with the root or source; basic; fundamental. [1/4 definitions]
radish a plant that has a crisp and strong-tasting root. [2 definitions]
root1 the part of a plant that usually grows underground. Roots take up water and nutrients, and hold the plant in the soil. [4/9 definitions]
rout2 to root about with the snout. [1/3 definitions]
sugar beet Sugar beets are a type of beet that have a large white root. Sugar beet roots have natural sweetness, and they are used to make sugar. Sugar from sugar beets can be used in things like tea or lemonade or in cookies or candies.
sweet potato an orange plant root that is eaten as a vegetable. A sweet potato looks like an orange potato, but the two plants are not closely related. Sweet potatoes usually have a sweet taste when they are cooked.
turnip a plant that is safe to eat and that has a large white root and hairy leaves that are sometimes used as greens. [1/2 definitions]
yam the root of a tropical climbing plant, or the plant itself. The root is eaten as a cooked vegetable. [1/2 definitions]