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amphitheater an oval or round building with seats rising in rows from an open, central area. Amphitheaters are used for sports and other public events.
Antarctica Antarctica is one of the seven largest areas of land on the earth. These areas of land are called continents. The continent of Antarctica is very cold all year round.
apple a firm, round fruit with juicy white flesh and red, green, or yellow skin. [1/2 definitions]
apricot a soft round fruit with fuzzy, pale orange skin. [1/2 definitions]
axle An axle is a round bar that is set between two wheels, as on a car. Because cars usually have four wheels, they usually have two axles. Each pair of wheels turns around its axle.
ball1 a round or nearly round object. [2/3 definitions]
banjo A banjo is a musical instrument with strings. You hold a banjo like a guitar, but it has a different sound, shape, and way of playing. A banjo has a flat, round body and uses four or five strings. The banjo is often played in American folk music along with guitars and fiddles.
barrel a round container with a flat top and bottom and bulging sides, often made of wood boards and metal hoops. [1/4 definitions]
basketball Basketball is a game played with a large round ball. It is played with two teams of five players each. Players throw the ball through a ring, called a hoop, to make points. [1/2 definitions]
bead a small, round object made of material such as glass, wood, or plastic. A bead has a small hole through its center so it can be put on a string to make necklaces or to decorate clothing. [1/3 definitions]
beret a soft, round, flat cap with a snug headband. A beret does not have a visor.
blueberry a small round berry that is blue in color and can be eaten. [1/2 definitions]
bologna Bologna is something made of meat, spices, and salt. People often eat round slices of bologna in a sandwich. Bologna is really a big, fat sausage, but when we see it in a store, it is usually already cut into slices.
bolt1 A bolt is something used to hold things together strongly. It is a metal screw that is flat on the bottom. A regular screw is pointed at the bottom. A bolt is held in place by another piece of metal called a "nut." A nut has a round hole in it that the bolt goes through. [1/5 definitions]
boulder A boulder is a large rock with a somewhat round shape.
bowl1 a round stadium or outdoor theater. [1/5 definitions]
bubble a small, round volume of gas surrounded by a liquid or a solid. [2/4 definitions]
bucket an open container with round sides, a flat bottom, and a curved handle attached to the top; pail.
bud1 a small, round part, such as a taste bud. [1/4 definitions]
bulb any bulging or round part. [1/3 definitions]
bulge When something bulges, it sticks out and often has a kind of round shape. [2/3 definitions]