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Children's Dictionary
ash2 a tree that is related to the olive tree. It has seeds that look like wings and leaves of more than one part. [1/2 definitions]
bat2 a small mammal that flies. Bats have small bodies and large wings covered with skin. Most bats eat at night, when they use sound to find and catch flying insects. Bats are found in most parts of the world. There are around one thousand kinds of bats. Their wingspans range from less than two inches to more than five feet. Some kinds of bats live in large colonies that roost in caves or in a section of forest.
beaver1 a large rodent, up to four feet long, with thick brown fur and a wide flat tail. Beavers use their long front teeth to cut down trees for food and to build dams and lodges (beaver houses). They use the dams to keep water around their lodges. Beavers live in North America, Europe, and Asia.
breathe to draw air into the lungs and let it out. [1/2 definitions]
call number a series of numbers or numbers and letters used to locate a book in a library.
canopy something high in the air or sky that is spread out over the earth. The top layer of branches and leaves in a rainforest, for example, is called a canopy. [1/2 definitions]
cartwheel a sideways somersault with the arms and legs held out straight like the spokes of a wheel. [1/2 definitions]
click in computing, to press and let go of the button on a mouse in order to carry out an action on the screen, such as moving the cursor or opening a program (often followed by "on"). [1/7 definitions]
coati a small furry mammal with a long snout and a long ringed tail. Coatis are related to raccoons and live mainly in trees. They eat fruit and small animals such as lizards. They are found in Mexico, Central America, and South America.
collie a Scottish breed of dog. Collies are large dogs with long, narrow heads and long hair. They were once raised to herd sheep.
computer lab a room where there are many computers. Computer labs are often found in schools and libraries and can usually be used for free.
curtsy a gesture of the body that shows respect made by bending the knees and lowering the body slightly. A curtsy is usually made by women and girls. [1/2 definitions]
dandelion a common plant with bright yellow flowers and leaves with points along the edges. Dandelion leaves can be eaten raw or cooked as vegetables, and wine is sometimes made from the flowers.
domesticated of animals, made suited to the needs of humans and living close to humans rather than in the wild. [1/2 definitions]
dwarf in fairy tales and legends, a strange-looking little man, often with a beard, who has magical powers. [1/4 definitions]
emoticon (from emotion icon) a small icon made of punctuation characters and letters that is placed in an e-mail; smiley. An emoticon shows the mood of the writer, such as :-( and :-D
farming the business or practice of raising crops and livestock.
freshwater living in water that is not salty, as in rivers and lakes. [1/2 definitions]
gazelle a kind of antelope found in Africa and Asia. Gazelles are mammals with hooves and long legs. They are graceful runners. Their horns are slightly curved and have dark rings.
harpoon a weapon that is like a spear with a barbed head and a rope at the tail end. Harpoons are used in hunting whales and large fish. [1/2 definitions]
hippopotamus a very large, round mammal that has short legs with hooves and thick skin with almost no hair. Hippopotamuses live in or near rivers and lakes of tropical Africa. They eat plants.