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boom2 a long pole that stretches the bottom of a boat's sail and holds it in place. [1/2 definitions]
jib1 a sail that is shaped like a triangle and used in the front of a sailing boat.
Lake Superior Lake Superior is a large lake that lies between Canada and the United States. Lake Superior is one of the five very large lakes in North America called the Great Lakes. Lake Superior is the largest of these lakes. Many people come to the shores of Lake Superior for camping, fishing, swimming, and to sail boats.
navigate to sail, fly, or travel across, along, or through. [1/5 definitions]
sail a large piece of cloth that is attached to a boat. Sails move boats forward by catching the wind. [4/11 definitions]
windsurfing a sport in which a person stands on a board to which a sail is attached and sails through the water by moving the sail.
yard1 a long rod fastened across the mast of a ship to hold a sail. [1/2 definitions]