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aquifer a layer of rock, sand, or gravel that contains water from which wells and springs are supplied.
asphalt a mixture of this substance with gravel or sand, used to pave roads. [1/2 definitions]
bank1 When you bank something, such as sand, you form it into a pile. [1/2 definitions]
beach the land at the edge of a lake, ocean, or other body of water. A beach slopes gently toward the water and usually has sand or pebbles. [1/2 definitions]
bedrock the solid layer of rock in the earth's surface, found beneath soil, sand, or gravel.
concrete a hard, strong building material made by mixing sand, gravel, cement, and water. [1/3 definitions]
delta a triangle of sand and soil deposited at the mouth of some large rivers. [1/2 definitions]
desert1 A desert is a very dry area of land with few or no plants growing in it. Deserts are dry because they get very little rain. Large areas of some deserts can be nothing but sand or rock.
dig to make a hole by removing dirt, sand, or the like. [1/6 definitions]
dune a mound or hill of sand built up by the action of wind.
earth The earth is what we call the part of our planet that we walk on. The earth is covered with things like trees, plants, soil, and sand. [1/4 definitions]
figure A figure is the form or shape of something. If you draw a figure in the sand, you draw a certain shape. [1/8 definitions]
footprint a mark pressed by a foot onto a surface, such as a step in wet sand or a print left by a muddy shoe.
Gobi Desert The Gobi Desert is a large dry area in northern China and southern Mongolia. Many of the deserts in the world are hot places with sand, but the Gobi Desert is cold, and most of it is just rock!
gravel a loose mixture of small stones, pebbles, and sometimes sand.
Great Sandy Desert The Great Sandy Desert is a hot and dry area of northern Australia. Some parts of it are covered in sand and some parts are covered with a bushy kind of grass. The Great Sandy Desert is home to wild camels, wild dogs called dingoes, lizards, and some kangaroos. Australia is a dry continent, and the Great Sandy Desert is just one of about ten deserts there.
Great Victoria Desert The Great Victoria Desert is a very dry area of Australia. Some parts of this desert have hills of sand, but there are also areas that are completely covered with pebbles. Australia has many deserts, but the Great Victoria Desert is the largest.
grindstone a stone wheel that is turned to sharpen knives and tools, grind grain, or sand and shape items by rubbing or scraping.
grit tiny rough bits of sand or stone. [1/3 definitions]
hole A hole is an open or empty space in something. When you dig in the ground in your yard or in the sand at the beach, you are making a hole. A hole can also be something like a place in your pocket that lets your candy or money fall through! [1/2 definitions]
hourglass an instrument used to measure time that sends sand through a narrow opening between two larger glass bulbs. It takes exactly one hour for the sand to pass from one bulb to the other.