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a1 the sixth note in the musical scale of C major. [1/3 definitions]
b the seventh note in the musical scale of C major. [1/3 definitions]
c1 the first note in the musical scale of C major. [1/3 definitions]
Celsius relating to a temperature scale on which water freezes at zero degrees and boils at one hundred degrees; centigrade. (abbreviated: C)
chromatic having to do with a musical scale, where the difference between each note is one half step. [1/2 definitions]
chromatic scale a musical scale of half steps.
d the second note in the musical scale of C major. [1/3 definitions]
do2 the syllable that indicates the first or last tone of a musical scale.
e the third note in the musical scale of C major. [1/2 definitions]
epic on a grand scale. [1/3 definitions]
f the fourth note in the musical scale of C major. [1/3 definitions]
fa the syllable that indicates the fourth tone of a musical scale.
Fahrenheit relating to a temperature scale on which water freezes at 32 degrees and boils at 212 degrees. (abbreviated: F)
g2 the fifth note in the musical scale of C major. [1/2 definitions]
gauge an accepted scale for measuring. [1/6 definitions]
grade a level, degree, or rank in a scale. [1/7 definitions]
Kelvin a temperature scale having intervals that correspond to those of the Celsius scale. On the Kelvin scale, zero degrees (zero Kelvins)is equal to -273.15 degrees Celsius. [3 definitions]
key1 the main tone of the scale in a musical work. [1/6 definitions]
la the syllable that indicates the sixth tone of a musical scale.
major scale a musical scale of whole steps, with two half-steps that occur between the third and fourth steps and the seventh and eighth steps.
manufacture the making of goods on a large scale. [1/3 definitions]